Tax Exemption
The DMEF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Any donations you make will be fully tax deductible.
If you have any specific questions about tax exemption, click here to email us and we will contact you shortly with an answer.
How to Contribute

Thank you very much for your interest in supporting the Democracy and Media Education Foundation (the “DMEF”) and its public service programs. The DMEF is organized as a Colorado non-profit corporation as well as under the rules of tax-exempt, charitable, public organizations per Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The DMEF is supported solely by gifts, grants, and donations from individuals, businesses, other organizations, and foundations.
All contributions to the DMEF are tax-deductible. Contributions may be made by any person or organization located anywhere in the world. There is no limit to the amount any person or entity can contribute.
Please contact the DMEF for a list of the promotional benefits which can be provided to donors. And just e-mail Info@DMEFD.org for more information.
If you wish to make a donation by check, please make it out to the order of either the “DMEF” or the “Democracy and Media Education Foundation.” Send checks to the following address:
Mr. Matthew Silverman, Treasurer
Democracy and Media Education Foundation
3195 11th Street
Boulder, CO 80304-2527
You also can make periodic contributions (such as recurring monthly, quarterly or annual donations) to the DMEF. Click here for more information on how to make recurring contributions.
If you wish to make a confidential, tax-deductible business expense payment directly to the production company, contact USA Talk Network (“USA-TN”): Producer@HarberTV.com.
Payments to the production company normally are kept private.
Please contact USA-TN for a list of promotional benefits which can be provided to donors. Please make your check out to the order of either “USA-TN” or “USA Talk Network, Inc.” You may send checks to the following address:
Post Office Box 17143
Boulder, CO 80308-0143
Click here to go directly to the online Donation Form
You may direct your contribution to support any of the following educational initiatives:
1.“The Aaron Harber Show”
2.“Colorado Now!”
3.“Colorado Election” Series
4.Colorado Educational Initiatives
5.National Educational Initiatives
6.OTHER (Please Specify): _________________________________
Please specify which incentive you would like to support on your check, or send and email to: Donate@DMEF.org.
The DMEF encourages everyone to make suggestions related to program and initiative topics and subjects as well as for guests and experts who you believe should be involved. Even ideas regarding what specific questions should be asked and discussed are welcome. USA-TN similarly encourages everyone to send in ideas and suggestions regardless of donor or non-donor status. Send your suggestions to Producer@HarberTV.com.
At the same time, USA-TN retains all rights to and uses of its programming and maintains total editorial control at all times. Therefore, donors must recognize their financial support of the DMEF or of any USA-TN programming does not allow them to have any editorial control or influence on any programming in any respect whatsoever.
Thank you for your support. Only with your help can we educate and inform Americans about the issues of the day in an accurate and nonpartisan manner.
Matthew Silverman, Treasurer
The Democracy and Media Education Foundation