Dear Supporter,
The Democracy and Media Education Foundation exists to support non-partisan educational efforts in your community, and is funded solely by the generous donations of corporations and individuals such as yourself.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your donations are tax deductible.
Please CLICK HERE to donate securely online, or mail a check to:
Democracy and Media Education Foundation
3195 11th Street
Boulder, CO 80304-2527
For more information about supporting the Foundation, please click here.
The Democracy & Media Education Foundation was created as a non-profit, charitable organization established to support Journalism, Press, and other Media efforts directly and indirectly related to the reporting and other conveyance of information to the American Public, with a particular focus on American Democracy and electoral processes. The Foundation is completely non-partisan and, due to its own charter, is not engaged in any political activity whatsoever (and has intentionally excluded participating in that political activity allowed by law).

The Foundation is organized as a Colorado non-profit corporation as well as under the rules of tax-exempt organizations per Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It is supported by gifts, grants, and donations from other foundations, individuals, and corporations. It welcomes support from all possibilities but, by its own charter, does not accept funds from any political or governmental organization. Inquiries and requests for additional information are always welcome.